
Are you interested in activities relating to the environment? Come and join us at the Youth Environment Space!
The Youth Environment Space provides the opportunity to get to know nice new people, find new hobbies, and obtain information on and perspectives into any environmental and climate-related questions you may have.

In 2018–2023, the Youth Environment Space was located in Laajasalo. At the moment, the Youth Environment Space is searching for new premises for its activities. During autumn 2023, we encourage young people interested in our activities to join us in planning the new Youth Environment Space. At the same time, we will be organizing environmental activities for young people around Helsinki. More information about our activities is available here.

Camping equipment loan centre Wempaimisto

We support young people, groups for young people and the operations of youth organisations by renting out the premises of the Youth Work Unit of Environmental Activities for young people’s independent activities. You can also come to the camping equipment loan centre Wempaimisto to borrow camping equipment free of charge with the free Youth Services membership card.

Summer activities on islands Vartiosaari and Mustikkamaa

In the summertime, we organise activities that emphasise the environment, agriculture and art in Youth Island Gallery and the Edible Park.


Youth workers

  • Ivana Vojnovic, Osallisuusohjaaja
    (09) 310 36711, 040 180 1764
  • Nina von Gruenewaldt, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, ympäristökasvattaja
    (09) 310 20031, 040 6610 142
  • Karoliina Hakasalo, Media-alan opiskelija
    (09) 3105 0920, 040 167 7792
  • Linda Ben Cheikh Ahmed, Youth Worker
    (09) 310 40576, 040 752 5449
  • Juha-Pekka "JP" Kyläkangas, Assistant
    040 590 4273
  • Ilona Anttila, Ympäristötoiminnan nuorisotyöyksikön päällikkö
    (09) 310 20736, 040 1944 533

Youth center phone number: (09) 310 717 02

General enquiries and reservations:

Opening times

We will be organizing environmental activities for young people around Helsinki while we are looking for new facilities for our activities.

Upcoming events and hobbies

No upcoming events and hobbies