Hertsi Youth Center


Hertsi youth center is located in the Hertsi shopping center right next to the Herttoniemi metro station. The colorful and versatile facilities are under the same roof as the Herttoniemi library.

The facilities include a big lounge area and a kitchen, versatile studio space, a hall particularly for dance- and theater activities, two meeting rooms of which the bigger one is suitable for other activities as well.

Book facilities from Hertsi here.

At the youth center you can for example play video games, work on your own music at the studio, cook with your friends in our cooking club or just hangout with friends and youth workers.


Visiting address
Linnanrakentajantie 2
00880 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 88455, 00099 City of Helsinki


  • Essi Ndiaye, Unit chief
    040 178 1420
  • Joni Oksanen, Team leader
  • Aatu Turtiainen, Youth worker, participation instructor
    040 658 2260
  • Sanna Pitkäranta, Youth worker, area instructor
    040 590 4425
  • Kari Ruonela, Youth worker, space reservations
    040 658 2807
  • Heini Muukkonen, Youth worker
    040 663 9094
  • Bea Abdul-Hamid, Youth worker
    040 635 1110
  • Leevi Kiuru, Youth worker
    040 669 7577
  • Marjaana Veikkanen, Theater activity
    041 512 1738
  • Serafiina Minerva, Theater activity
    040 350 5684

Youth center phone number: 040 3348040 ja 09 310 55990



Opening hours

Hertsi youth center opening hours spring 2025:

Mon klo 15–21 12–17 years old
Tue klo 14.30-16.30 9-12 years old
klo 17–21 12–17 years old
Wed closed
Thu klo 15–21 12–17 years old
Fri klo 16–22 12–17 years old
Sat klo 16–22 12–17 years old
Sun klo 15–21 12–17 years old

More information p.040 3348 040

Upcoming events and hobbies

  • contemporary dance
  • young people
  • dance (performing arts)
04.9.2024 - 07.5.2025

Show-tanssi (3.-6.lk)

Hertsi Youth Club, Linnanrakentajantie 2, Helsinki
  • teatteri
05.9.2024 - 22.5.2025

Narrin teatteriryhmä Ylipappi Gang - uusien ryhmäläisten ilmoittautuminen

Hertsi Youth Club, Linnanrakentajantie 2, Helsinki
  • kulttuuri
  • teatteri
06.9.2024 - 23.5.2025

Narrin teatteriryhmä Pitkä Viiva- UUSIEN ryhmäläisten ilmoittautuminen

Hertsi Youth Club, Linnanrakentajantie 2, Helsinki
  • dance (performing arts)
  • dance (music)
  • K-pop
13.1.2025 - 19.5.2025

K-pop alkeet alle 12v Herttoniemi

Hertsi Youth Club, Linnanrakentajantie 2, Helsinki