Fallkulla Domestic Animal Farm


Come and see traditional domestic animals

Fallkulla Domestic Animal Farm is located north of Malmi. At the farm, you can see traditional domestic animals: sheep, goats, cattle, ducks, hens, rabbits and horses. There are also two miniature pigs on the farm. Many of our animals are traditional indigenous Finnish breeds, such as Finnish landrace chicken, Åland sheep, Finnish goat and Eastern Finncattle.

Independent visits

Fallkulla is a popular travel destination, especially among families. Each year, Fallkulla is visited by over 80,000 people. Admission to the farm is free.

  • Only young people participating in activities may enter the animal pens or outdoor enclosures.
  • Do not feed the animals without permission.
  • Stay calm near the animals and avoid making unnecessary noise.
  • Would you like to visit Fallkulla with your dog? Dogs are welcome in the outdoor area on a leash. However, please do not bring your dog right next to the animal enclosures. Dogs may not be brought inside the barn or indoor spaces, with the exception of the café, where dogs are welcome.

Fall group visits to schools are full. There are still shifts left for kindergartens.

School group visit days are Wednesday and Friday and kindergarten Tuesdays and Thursdays. The visit time can only be booked electronically at beta.kultus.fi. (search for visiting times, for example, with the keyword fallkulla.)

We do not accept bookings by phone or email. Groups are subject to a fee and payment is made on the day of the visit via Mobilepay or an order slip with billing information.

Each group is required to comply with applicable corona guidelines. Welcome!

Young people’s Fallkulla

Fallkulla Domestic Animal Farm is a service location of the City of Helsinki Culture and Leisure Division’s Youth Services. At Fallkulla, 9–17-year-old young people can carry out farm work, take care of animals and try their hand at yard work, gardening or various handicrafts, among other things. Activities are free of charge. To participate, you must have a free-of-charge membership card of Youth Services. You can get one at the location.

You can find our current animal hobby activities at harrastushaku.fi. The easiest way to find our activities is with the search term ‘fallkulla’.


Visiting address
Malminkaari 24
00730 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 70405, 00099 City of Helsinki


  • Laura Paunonen, Fallkullan kotieläintilan työnjohtaja. Tästä numerosta ei aukioloaikojen tai harrastushakuun liittyviä tiedusteluita.
    041-5121 722
  • Minna Sirviö, Yksikön päällikkö, Malmin nuorisotyöyksikkö. Tästä numerosta ei tilavaraus-, ryhmävierailu-, työnjako- tai kurssitiedusteluita.
  • Tytti Mery, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040-621 2256
  • Viivi Laivo, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040-653 8025
  • Nora Salminen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040-178 1562
  • Johanna Vesterinen, nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040-621 1724
  • Kati Honkanen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040-621 2782

Youth center phone number: (09) 310 890 95 or 040 334 8089

You can enquire about opening hours, youth activities and other things.

The best way to reach us is by email, or from Wednesday to Friday by phone from 1 pm to 2 pm.




Opening times

Fallkulla Domestic Animal farm opening hours for visitors in summer 2022 (June 6-August 22)

Open every day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On weekdays, the barn and the interior are closed. 
Café Kilikuppila is open for visitors Mon-Sun from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Upcoming events and hobbies

  • courses (societal objects)
20.3.2025 - 27.3.2025


Falkulla Domestic Animal Farm, Malminkaari 24, Helsinki
  • clubs (recreational)
  • courses (societal objects)
Fri 28.3.2025, at 17:00 - 21:00

Fallkullan pidennetty perjantai

Falkulla Domestic Animal Farm, Malminkaari 24, Helsinki
  • clubs (recreational)
Sat 29.3.2025, at 10:30 - 15:00

Fallkullan lauantain työnjako 29.3

Falkulla Domestic Animal Farm, Malminkaari 24, Helsinki
  • animal husbandry
  • camps
  • animal farms
02.6.2025 - 06.6.2025

Fallkullan Toimintaleiri 1

Falkulla Domestic Animal Farm, Malminkaari 24, Helsinki
60€ helsinkiläiset, 70 € ulkopaikkakuntalaiset