Youth Work Unit for Environmental Activities: Current topics

Booking of facilities

The official deadline for booking environmental youth work unit’s facilities for next year was in September. We received almost 250 applications. The additional search for bookings begins on January 2nd 2024. You can find more information here: .

We will publish an online leaflet with information about all of our campsite- and other facilities in December. The English version will be published on our website in January.

The new youth space for environmental activities

Our unit’s new youth space will be located in Pasila and will open in 2024. The new space will be maintained in cooperation with Pääkaupunkiseudun 4H-yhdistys.

We are now looking for young people to join us to plan activities, decoration etc. for the new space. If you are interested you can contact us via Instagram @nuortenymparistotila or by contacting our youth worker Nina von Gruenewaldt (phone/WhatsApp: 040 6610 142).

Youth centres related to the article
