
A seaside gem – Uutela cabin offers a setting for small camps or day trips. The cabin is located near Meriharju Nature House at the end of a forest road, right by the sea.

The cabin’s grounds include a yard with direct access to a rocky yet very beautiful beach. There is also a sauna near the beach.

The Uutela area is interesting in terms of natural history and geology and offers a splendid setting for outdoor recreation. Särkkäniemi nature reserve starts next to the cabin.

Read more about booking Uutela Cabin here.

Visiting address
Uutelantie 30
00990 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 84404, 00099 Helsinki


  • Terhi Vainio, Customer Service Advisor, Facility Orientations / keys
    (09) 310 89038, 040 3348 059
  • Juha-Pekka "JP" Kyläkangas, Assistant
    040 590 4273
  • Ilona Anttila, Ympäristötoiminnan nuorisotyöyksikön päällikkö
    (09) 310 20736, 040 1944 533

Youth center phone number: (09) 310 23496

General inquiries and reservations:


Summer and winter seasons

Uutela’s cabin is open for summer use. Facilities can be booked from May to October.

Upcoming events and hobbies

No upcoming events and hobbies