The publication of the 4th season of the Professional podcast starts on Monday, October 2, 2023 

The episodes of the fourth season of the Professional podcast will be published in the first two weeks of October. The season contains 12 episodes and there are presenting their own work e.g. vegan activist, school coach, Only Fans content producer and brake master. 

In the Professional podcast, experts from different professions are interviewed and we dig deeper into what kind of educational background or skills are needed for those professions. The professions of the fourth season, in order of publication, are bartender, school coach, model, car salesman, event producer, vegan activist, professional actor, psychotherapist, ICT engineer, children’s author, Only Fans content producer and brake master. Publication dates are Monday and Friday. Three episodes are released on each release day. 

  If you think about the profession of a subway driver, you can’t really get any real information about it. 

Metro driver Susanna Pihkala, Making of the Professional Podcast (2022) 

The professions featured in the profession podcast are desired by young people and their purpose is to inspire and provide information about various professions. The average half-hour long episodes are suitable for listening, for example, on a bus ride or during a study guidance class. 

The professional podcast started in 2020, when Living Professional Libraries could not be organized due to the corona virus. The purpose of the career podcast is to provide young people with easily accessible and high-quality information about different professions and educational paths. The target group is young people heading to the second level, but the professional stories will surely also interest other industry changers or those thinking about their own career choices. The professional podcast has been produced by Signaalimedia in co-operation with the Itäkeskus, Environmental Activities and the youth leaders of the Southern Youth Work Unit. Signaalimedia is a media activity under the City of Helsinki for young people 

More information: 

Eevi Savolainen 
Media producer 

Viet Tan Vuong 
Youth leader
040 6815728

Youth centres related to the article
