Operaatio Pulssi! North
The Operaatio Pulssi! activities are created, planned and organised by young people! Through Operaatio Pulssi, young people can find free activities, events and excursions for 12–18-year-olds.
Operaatio Pulssi! North operates in Jakomäki, Malmi, Maunula, Oulunkylä, Pakila, Paloheinä, Pukinmäki, Puistola, Suutarila, Tapanila, Tapulikaupunki and Torpparinmäki. In addition to activities in Northern Helsinki,Operaatio Pulssi activities are available in Western Helsinki and Vuosaari in Eastern Helsinki Eastern Helsinki.
The activities are free of charge, and no prior experience or skills are needed to be able to participate.
Operaatio Pulssi! activities are implemented in co-operation with the Culture and Leisure and Education Divisions of the City of Helsinki, local operators, and local young people. We have some money and many wonderful partners to implement the ideas, so it is worthwhile joining in and turning the plans into reality! The activities are provided on a low threshold principle, which means that you do not need to have any prior skills. If you would like to have more information about aspects such as the accessibility of the facilities or activities, please contact us!
You can find all activities on this website using the keyword ‘pulssi’ at harrastukset.hel.fi
Most of the activities require advance registration, and they are mainly held in Finnish. However, there are no requirements of prior skills, and you can join in even if you are still learning Finnish!
All of our activities are free of charge and open to 12–18-year-olds, unless otherwise specified for the activity in question. Ideas for the courses and events are collected from young people via the RuutiBudjetti system, among other means.

Come make Pulssi happen with us!
You can be in touch with Sanna at any time, share your wishes or ideas, and come along to plan Pulse’s activities in the area.
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Instagram operaatiopulssi
Facebook operaatiopulssi