
IrisUngpride provides rainbow activities for young people and is driven by the city of Helsinki’s Swedish-speaking unit. In our safer spaces we reflect upon our identities and its diviersity.

What is IrisUngpride?

Our Swedish-speadking activities are meant for LGBTQAI+/rainbow young people, youth who are poundering over their identity or sexuality and who are intressed in meeting like-minded individuals.

We arrange activites and discussions around different teams. During our get-togethers we have the possibility to have snakcs and a warm beverage, look at movies, play games and hangout. We get to know each other via new experiences and learn how to see the world with a different perspective. Kindly share the word if you know someone who would be interestd or benefit from our services.

We also have activites together with IrisHelsinki Vallgård, which makes the meetings multilangual.

Our regual opening hours are (kindly see Instagram for changes in the shedule):

Mondays: For 13 to 17 year olds
Doors are open from 16:00 to 20:30

Wednesdays: For 16 to 25 year olds
Doors are open from 16:00 to 20:30

The address is Konepajankuja 3 (Maskinverkstadsgränden 3), entrance via Sturenkatu/Sturegatan.

The Swedish-speaking activites is driven by The city of Helsinki’s swedish-speaking youthwork unit. We have two youth workes woring at IrisUngpride, they are Jasmin, who works during the opening hours and Nicole, who gives one-on-one guidance in relations to LGBTQIA+ matters.

Kindly be in contact if you are interested in hearing more.