Forum theatre
Directors will make Forum theatre performances for both young people and employees, or even supervisors, on topics of their choice. Forum theatre is one of the key methods of applied theatre, where the performers and audiences work together to address community problems and consider different solutions.
Forum theatre is also known as community theatre
It is an illustrative and effective way to explore the problems and issues that arise in communities. Through Forum theatre, a problem or challenge can materialise, and its various aspects can be looked at together, whilst new solutions can be sought.
Theatre performance is in two parts:
- Initially, the audience follows a short play based on a chosen theme, which summarises the theme into strong and influential questions.
- After the play, the second part, the interaction, starts.In it, the questions raised by the audience are discussed through joint discussions and on the stage, looking for new solutions.

Forum theatre creates discussion
and gets people to experiment how different approaches affect situations in which the audience perceives an injustice. Through discussion and participation, the aim is to deepen the thinking of individuals, and to find new common solutions.
Forum theatre attracts audiences to join in
Forum theatre is both a group-based problem-solving method and a tool for valued discussion.It neither commands nor instructs, but attracts the participant through both reason and emotion so that real and lasting change in the problem being addressed will be possible.
All presentations are built on the basis of material collected from the target group:
- A performance on initiations for upper secondary school students 2021
- Applied Forum performance on leadership for culture and leisure supervisors / part 2 2019
- Applied Forum performance on leadership for culture and leisure supervisors / part 1 2019
- Performance concerning own limits for the Ruutibudgetti data collection for upper stage comprehensive school students 2018
- Applied Forum performance for youth service supervisors as part of supervisor training 2016
- Substance-themed performance for upper stage comprehensive school students 2012
- Performance on sexuality and sexual harassment 2009