New Youth Council elections
What is the Youth Council?
The Local Government Act guarantees young people the right to have a say in the affairs of their home city through the Youth Council. In Helsinki, the Youth Council is elected for two years and includes 30 young people. The Youth Council decides the matters they want to promote during the term, ensuring that the voice of young people is heard in the City’s decision-making.
What are the activities of the Youth Council?
The Youth Council has diverse activities, and you determine the amount of time you wish to use on them. Everybody works at their own pace and according to their possibilities. The minimum goal is that you attend the general meetings once a month and familiarise yourself with the matters decided there.
Council members will also meet the City’s decision-makers, such as mayors and members of the committees, and participate in small group activities and projects. It is important that young people get to discuss with decision-makers when decisions are being made on issues related to their lives, such as mental health services or recreational facilities.
The Youth Council can decide what matters it wants to promote and how.
Why should you stand as a candidate?
In the Youth Council, you can have your say on city activities and bring up the views of young people on the issues to be decided. No previous experience is required; you will learn everything you need to know once in the Council. In the Youth Council community, you will learn cooperation and see how the city works and how you can influence things important to you. You will also get new friends.
Why should you vote?
The Youth Council is a link between municipal decision-makers and young people. Youth Council representatives can directly promote matters important to their school or region to the City’s decision-makers. The Youth Council also has an actual say in city-wide affairs, with examples from the previous Youth Council terms including USB charging plugs in buses, metro cars and trams, graffiti walls and the Summer Job Voucher.
When will the new Youth Council start?
The autumn 2023 elections will decide the Youth Council for the 2024–2025 term. The composition of the new Council will be announced at the Youth Gala on 7 December, with the term starting on 1 January 2024