Youth Helsinki
Health and well-being
The mind and emotions
Home and money
The body and well-being
Support and assistance
Studies and work
After basic education
Options outside the joint application
Summer Job Voucher
School meals
Things to do and places
Our places
Operaatio Pulssi!
Take part and make a difference
How you can make a difference
Support for activities
Young people’s initiatives
Youth budget
Contact links
Submit an initiative
Select from the drop-down menu the subject that best describes your initiative. If you cannot find a subject that suits your initiative, select “General and other feedback”. Selecting the right subject will make it quicker for us to relay your initiative to the correct processor.
All topics
Leisure and hobbies
School, learning, and skills
Work and employment
Urban environment, streets, and parks
Well-being and health
Equality and inclusivity
Nature, climate, and consumption
Please state in your own words what your initiative is about. If your initiative relates to a specific location or activity in Helsinki, remember to mention the area.
Proposal title
Give your proposal a descriptive name that conveys its content.
Explain what your proposal is and why it is important. You might consider the following questions: What problem or need does your proposal address? How does it benefit young people or the entire community?
Suggestions for actions
How could your proposal be implemented? Suggest concrete actions or ideas.
Target group
Who does your proposal specifically concern or benefit? Is it aimed at a particular area?
Add an image
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 20 MB.
If you want, you can add an image that supports your initiative (for example, a place to be repaired, a requested area, etc.).
Contact information
The initiative can be submitted by a 13-17 year old resident of Helsinki. The names of participants in the initiative will not be published; they will only be visible to the handler of the initiative. Unauthorized use of another person’s information is prohibited. This means that the initiative cannot be made in someone else’s name. Additionally, neither the initiative itself nor any attached appendices may contain unauthorized mentions of individuals’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other deemed private information. The handler of the initiative, who prepares the initiative, will contact the initiator of the initiative. The initiator will be informed about how the initiative will be processed, and discussions will be held regarding the matters and methods mentioned in the initiative on how to advance the issue.
Please enter a number from
We want to know what the experience of making an initiative is like for young people. This way, we can improve our service and operations.
Are you interested in providing feedback about your experience after your initiative has been processed?
Yes, you may contact me for feedback.
No, I do not wish to provide feedback.
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privacy and data protection policies.
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