Did you know that free school meals are a globally unique benefit?
A school meal is a healthy and varied lunch with all the right nutritional values. It gives you energy and supports your concentration on learning new things during the school day and after-school hobbies, for example.
When you assemble your school meal in accordance with the plate model and have suitable portions of everything on your plate, the meal will take care of around one third of your daily nutritional needs.
Every day, you can choose your lunch from two main courses, one of which is a lacto-ovo vegetarian dish. We also have a vegetarian day with two delicious vegetarian dish options every week.
One school lunch costs the municipality around two euros per pupil, providing you with a complete and varied warm lunch every day – you will not get much for the same price anywhere else!
The lunch includes:
- a main course
- fresh vegetables and salads
- crispbread and soft bread (twice a week) with a vegetable oil spread
- fat-free milk, sour milk or water to drink.
Service Centre Helsinki prepares school meals for approximately 70% of the schools of Helsinki. Click on the link above to see our schools’ menus. The menus of the schools