Hey, Environmental activities and Wempaimisto are moving to Pasila!
Wempaimisto, a youth outdoor activity and camping equipment loan centre, is moving to a new shared space with the Capital Region 4H Association in autumn 2024.
We’ve designed the space together with young people, and in the autumn, we’ll continue with activities in interior design, painting, animal activities, entrepreneurship and training. Learn more about our activities on Instagram! @nuortenymparistotila @pks4h
Our new shared space is easily accessible by public transport. You can reach us by train, bus or tram. The walking distance from the Mall of Tripla is about 600 metres. Our new location is next to the Sähköttäjä dog park, and the bridge leads directly to the Vallila Konepaja (old machine shop) area.
Our cooperation aims to diversify and enhance joint activities, such as camps, work experience opportunities, summer jobs and internships, nature education, environmental experiences, and adventure activities.
Check out the Capital Region 4H Association here: Capital Region 4H Association / Helsinki 4H Association (pks4h.fi)
Borrow camping gear from Wempaimisto: Camping equipment loan centre Wempaimisto – Youth Helsinki
Check out the website for the Youth Environmental Space here: Youth Environmental Space – Youth Helsinki