Torpparinmäki youth centre


Welcome to Torpparinmäki Youth Centre! Our youth centre is a hangout similar to a living room, where we also organise instructor-led activities. Our primary target group is 9–18-year-olds.

We are located in the same building as Torpparinmäki Comprehensive School. At the youth centre, you can meet up with your friends, play pool, ping pong and console games, play music, be physically active or cook, for example.

Things to do for everyone!

The youth centre has a variety of musical instruments (e.g. keyboard, guitar, bass) that you can use to practise your music skills. However, there is no separate band room.

In the youth centre’s kitchen, you can practise your cooking and baking skills. We also cooperate with a local store, which provides us with waste food for our use.

We encourage and support young people to be physically active; for example, we have access to the school’s sports hall once a week. There is a basketball court and a football field in our yard, and the youth centre has a variety of sports equipment available for loan. We also go on excursions to Helsinki’s Central Park, located next door, and Haltiala Domestic Animal Farm.

Youth theatre group Narri rehearses at the youth centre once a week.

Our activities are generally free of charge (except for certain excursions and camps).

Booking of facilities



Visiting address
Ylä-Fallin tie 54
00690 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 64404, 00099 City of Helsinki

Youth workers

  • Riku Ikävalko, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040 4807322
  • Suvi Ripatti, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
  • Ari Manninen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
    040 1781574

Youth center phone number: 040 334 8078 / 09-310 89075

Youth workers some channels:

Ari “Arska” Manninen: Arska_torppiksennuta (IG)

Opening times

Monday  13.00–20.00 (If the house was open on Saturday, the house will be closed the Monday after )

Wednesday 13.00–20.00

Thursday 13.00–20.00

Friday 14.00–21.00

Saturday The youth center is open once a month also on Saturdays in the autumn of 2021 –> 9.10., 6.11. and 18.12.


Upcoming events and hobbies

No upcoming events and hobbies