Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre


Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre is located in the immediate vicinity of Puistola train station. You can get to the youth centre with the K and P trains and buses 73, 74, 75 and 79.

Youth centre activities

The open youth centre activities are regular and safe activities for children and young people. We have nice and trained youth workers working in our building. They are in charge of club activities, and you can talk to them about anything. For example, you can ask them for help, advice or tips for finding a new hobby!

We cooperate with local schools, libraries, organisations and other operators. You might also see us taking to the streets in northeastern Helsinki or in digital environments. You can recognise us by our jackets, which have the City of Helsinki’s logo.

At Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre, you can find a well-equipped game room where you can play on a computer or PlayStation. Ask the youth workers for more information on gaming activities!

Tapulikaupungin nuorisotalon pelihuone

Opportunities to influence matters and project funds

You can influence the youth centre’s activities in your area at youth centre meetings. You can influence the affairs of the youth centre, Tapulikaupunki and the entire city of Helsinki through Ruuti activities. RuutiBudjetti is a participatory budgeting system for young people, through which even larger development dreams can be realised. With the Sponssi activity grant, you can carry out projects with your friends, for example. For more information on Sponssi, see here.

Ask us youth workers for more information!

What is required of me?

The only thing you need in order to visit the youth centre is a Youth Services membership card. Young people under the age of 13 can get a physical card from the youth centre, while upper comprehensive school aged young people can get a digital one. Apply for a jässäri, i.e. membership card, here.

A membership card is free of charge and provides you with access to all youth facilities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. In other words, it allows you to use all services offered for young people by Youth Services in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.

Visiting address
Ajurinaukio 5
00750 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 75403, 00099 City of Helsinki

Youth workers

  • Pasi Lappalainen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
  • Paavo Veikkolainen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja. Talon käyttövuoroanomukset ja järjestöt
  • Päivi "Pipsa" Turkkelin, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, Puistolan nuorisotyö.
  • Juho Borre, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
  • Kirsikka Linna, Head of the youth work unit
  • Minerva Keränen
    Minerva "Minttu" Keränen, Regional and inclusive work
  • Hanna Malmivaara, "Safe facilities for young people in the north-eastern major district"-OmaStadi Project designer
    040 525 81 73

Youth center phone number: 09 310 71569

Opening times

3rd–6th graders

Mon: 13:30-16:00
Tue: Closed
Wed: 13:30-16:00
Thu: 13:30-16:00
Fri: 13:30-16:00


Mon: 17:00-20:45
Tue: Closed
Wed: 17:00-20:45
Thu: 17:00-20:45
Fri: 17:00-22:30
Sat: 17:00-22:30 (odd weeks).

Upcoming events and hobbies

  • Children and families
  • Finnish model for leisure activities
  • young people
05.9.2024 - 08.5.2025

Koodaus ja pelisuunnittelu (3.–6.lk), Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre, Ajurinaukio 5, Helsinki
  • Children and families
  • Finnish model for leisure activities
  • young people
05.9.2024 - 08.5.2025

Ohjelmointi 3.-6.lk, Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre, Ajurinaukio 5, Helsinki
  • Children and families
  • Finnish model for leisure activities
  • young people
05.9.2024 - 08.5.2025

Minecraft, 3.-6.lk , Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre, Ajurinaukio 5, Helsinki
  • Children and families
  • Finnish model for leisure activities
  • young people
22.10.2024 - 06.5.2025

Animaatio 3.-9.lk, Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Tapulikaupunki Youth Centre, Ajurinaukio 5, Helsinki