Facility usage instructions
We want to provide you with as comprehensive advance information about the services and opportunities available at Pihlajamäki Youth Centre as possible. If you have any questions after reading the instructions, you can contact us by e-mail or phone regarding any practical matters related to your reservation.
- After receiving the reservation confirmation, please contact the personnel of the youth centre well before the start of your reservation in order to agree on user guidance, picking up the key and signing an agreement on the independent use of the facilities.
- Please note that the agreement can only be signed by a person over the age of 18, who will be responsible for the use of the facilities. If you have to cancel your reservation, please contact the youth centre directly as soon as possible.
Facilities may only be used at the times agreed upon
Costs incurred from other use (such as security costs) must be reimbursed. Confirmed reservations include the initial and final preparations.
Please note that several groups may use the building at the same time, and reserving the entire building for private use is only possible in exceptional cases. As different rooms of the building may be in use simultaneously, this means that everyone has access to the common areas, such as the kitchen, unless otherwise agreed upon.
When you arrive in the building and during your reservation:
- The start and end times of reservations granted must be complied with. The set-up and final cleaning must be included in the time reserved for you.
- For every visit, the group must write down the number of participants present as well as the time for which the facility was used in the youth centre’s organisation journal (can be found on the table next to the exterior door). This acknowledgement must always be signed.
- Users of the facilities must return the items and furniture to their original places. Users may store their own possessions on the youth centre’s premises only if agreed upon. If you store your possessions on the premises, you do so at your own risk; Youth Services will not reimburse any stolen or damaged property.
- Any faults noticed in the furniture or the building’s structures must be reported to the staff at the building’s phone number, 09 310 89082. If the fault requires acute servicing, you can contact the caretaker at 0303 22333 (24 h). Any smaller faults can be reported by e-mail to pihlajamaen.nuorisotalo@hel.fi.
- Make sure not to let any outsiders inside the building. The building has a variety of users, and our facilities are also used by the youth centre’s peer instructors as well as the youth gaming group that maintains the computer room. All parties concerned access the building with their own keys.
- The youth centre is a substance-free place. The use of intoxicants is not allowed inside the building or in its vicinity. Tobacco products also count as intoxicants.
- The building’s smoke detector system is located on the wall of the corridor leading to the kitchen. Next to the system, you can find instructions on what to do in the event of one of the detectors being triggered. The detectors located around the building react to smoke, heat, dust and water vapour. As the smoke detectors do not send an automatic alert to the Rescue Department, you must always call 112 yourself in the event of a fire.
- Make sure that the person responsible for your use of the facilities is aware of the following things:
- Location and functionality of first-aid fire fighting equipment: the building’s floor plan is on display on the notice board in the hall, and the locations of the fire-fighting equipment are indicated in it.
- The safety and rescue plan can also be found on the notice board in the hall.
- The first aid cabinet is located in the kitchen.
- Making an open fire and burning candles (including tealights) is absolutely forbidden!
- After using the facilities, every user must make sure that the building is empty, the doors and windows are closed, items and furniture have been returned to their designated places, the electric equipment is turned off, the doors of the refrigeration equipment in the kitchen are firmly closed and the lights are turned off (one light switch is located on the wall immediately on the left after entering the console game room).
- Make sure to close the hall’s exterior door firmly after you.
- The building’s staff would be happy to guide you in matters related to the use of the building.
After your reservation
In the case of individual reservations, please return the keys to the building as quickly as possible. If your reservation is subject to a fee, we will send you the invoice for the use of the facilities within approximately a month of the end of your reservation.