Options outside the joint application

Are you over the age of 18 or in compulsory education and planning on changing fields of study? Here you can find various study options!

nuori nainen ottamassa itsestään valokuvaa kännykällä jäätyneen järjen edessä

In addition to the joint application system, you can apply for vocational training through continuous admission. You can also complete a vocational qualification as apprenticeship training if you already have a job.

People over the age of 18 can also complete general upper secondary education in a general upper secondary school for adults. There are three general upper secondary schools for adults in Helsinki: Helsinki Upper Secondary School for Adults, Eira High School for Adults and Töölö Upper Secondary School for Adults. Helsingfors Arbis offers general upper secondary school studies for adults in Swedish.

If you do not have a basic education certificate, you can complete your missing studies in basic education for adults. There are many educational institutions in Helsinki that offer basic education for adults. You can get a full basic education from start to finish or complete your last missing studies.

Check out the different options in the link menu on this page.