Summer job voucher glossary
A resume is an attachment to your job application that includes a short summary of your work experience, education and other skills. Download an editable resume template here
CV, Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae, CV, means ‘the course of your life’ in Latin. A CV is another name for a resume: it is an attachment to your job application that includes a short description of your work experience, education and other skills.
A supervisor, a ‘boss’, is a representative of the employer who supervises the rights and responsibilities of employees. The supervisor needs to treat all employees fairly and equally, ensure that all salaries are paid as agreed and see to it that the work does not strain the employees’ mental and physical well-being too much. If you have wishes or problems related to your job, do not hesitate to talk to your supervisor
Calendar month and month
A calendar month is a month marked in the calendar, such as 1–31 January.
A month is a period of about 30 days, such as 11 November–10 December.
Apprenticeship training is a form of education in which a student learns a profession by working and receives pay according to the industry’s collective agreement. As much as 90% of the studies may take place in the workplace. The learning is complemented by education offered by the educational institution on 1–4 days/month. Read more about apprenticeships
Salary, wages or pay is the financial compensation paid by the employer to the employee. In Finland, the Employment Contracts Act states that salaries must be paid to an bank account.
Gross salary is the salary from where taxes or other payments have not been deducted. When these are deducted from the gross salary, the employee is left with the net salary, their take-home pay.
Time rate is paid based on the time used for working; it can be a weekly, monthly or hourly salary. Piece rate is a predetermined fixed price for the work.
Working Time Act
The Working Time Act defines the regular working hours, the maximum of weekly hours, as well as overtime and rest periods. The working time of employees aged under 18 must not exceed nine hours within a 24-hour period or 48 hours per week. A person under the age of 18 must be provided with a weekly rest period of 38 consecutive hours, at the minimum.
For young employees aged 15 or older, the work must take place between 6:00 and 22:00.
An employer is a company or person who signs an employment contract with an employee. The employer is obligated to pay the employee, take care of occupational health and safety and provide a work certificate at the end of the employment.
Collective agreement
A (general) collective agreement, työehtosopimus or TES is an agreement between the employers’ and employees’ unions. It affects the conditions of employment and salaries of many employees.
Employment contract
An employment contract is a binding personal agreement between the employer and the employee. You can enter an employment contract when you are 15 or older. Always make the employment contract in writing, since it allows you to check the things you have agreed on. A written agreement is in the interest of both the employee and the employer.
An employee is a person who is committed to work for an employer (a company or an individual) for a compensation under an employment contract. A young employee is an employee under the age of 18.
Responsible summer jobs
The responsible summer jobs campaign is organised by Oikotie employment services. It encourages employers to offer more and higher-quality summer jobs to young people.
There are many kinds of taxes, all of which are collected by the state of Finland. The funds collected are used on public institutions and services, such as hospitals, schools, museums and libraries. You will pay income tax from your salary. The more you earn, the more tax you need to pay. Check your own tax rate with this income tax calculator (in Finnish)
Tax card
A tax card is a document in which you can see your tax rate, meaning how much tax you need to pay from your income. At the start of the year, the Tax Administration will send a personal tax card to all people aged 15 or older. For a young employee under 18, the annual income limit for all salaries is 10,000 euros. If you will earn more during the year, you can order a new tax card.
Annual holiday
If you work on 14 days or for 35 hours per calendar month, at the minimum, you accumulate annual holidays of either 2 or 2.5 weekdays per month, depending on the duration of your employment contract. The holiday will be paid. You need to agree on the holiday dates with your employer.