From summer job to apprenticeship
A summer job is a great way of learning about working life, different tasks and professions and the day-to-day at workplaces. If everything goes well at the summer job and you are interested in a vocational qualification, you can discuss the possibility of an apprenticeship with your employer.
Apprenticeship is learning by working
During an apprenticeship, 80% of the studies take place in the workplace. The contact teaching days at the educational institution are designed to support learning in working life. For a successful apprenticeship, it is key that the student has the opportunity to try varying tasks that support their professional skills. The student is assigned a workplace instructor who will be their support person for learning at the workplace during the entire apprenticeship. Competence demonstrations included in the qualification will be performed at the student’s workplace as the training progresses.
Support for employers
The employer will pay the apprentice student the salary specified in the industry’s collective agreement, at the minimum. The employer will receive a financial education compensation if they hire a young apprentice student. Workplaces will also be offered support for learning, language skills and instructing the student.
An employer can also apply for pay subsidy for an apprentice student aged over 16.
The pay subsidy is applied for at the Employment and Economic Development Office. The employment must not start before the decision on the pay subsidy has been made.
Please contact Jan Berghem
puh. 040 334 8989