Participate in the Helmet reading challenge 2021
Helmet Reading Challenge encourages people to pick up a book. The challenge consists of 50 themes that the participants can use to pick something to read throughout the year.
The themes can be related to the topic, name or author of a book. The themes are not strict rules, however. Instead, each participant can decide how they wish to interpret them. This year, the Helmet Reading Challenge is also available in a plain language version.
Helmet Reading Challenge 2021
- A book featuring keeping a diary
- A book written by a teacher
- A historical novel
- A book where someone shares their memories
- A book related to a TV series or a film
- A book about love
- A book featuring a group of friends
- A book where the world is changing
- A book whose author’s first and last name begin with the same letter
- A book with a number in its title
- A book about poverty
- A book set in the woods
- A book related to the theatre, opera or ballet
- A book that is a part of a series
- A book that has something in common with your own life
- A book where people live without electricity
- A book whose title includes the name of the protagonist
- A book about an LGBT+ family
- A book featuring playing
- A book featuring a profession that no longer exists or that is rare
- A book related to a specific season
- A book featuring cycling
- A book that you read outdoors
- A book whose title includes a question mark or exclamation mark
- A book written by two authors
- A biography of a person who is still alive
- A book whose protagonist is an animal
- A book that is useful for you to read
- A book whose protagonist’s life is changing
- A book published after the author’s death
- A thriller or a mystery
- A book with a cat on the front or back cover description
- A book that teaches a skill
- A book where nature is observed
- A book you have been waiting for
- A book featuring travel through time
- A book with a character whose work is important to the story
- A well-translated book
- A book featuring listening to music
- A book about animal rights
- A book featuring travel by train
- A fairytale book
- A book that does not reveal the name of the protagonist
- A book including recipes
- A book written by a Nordic author
- A book featuring eating treats
- Two books on the same subject 1/2
- Two books on the same subject 2/2
- A book published in 2021
- A book recommended by a member of the library staff