Facility usage instructions Viikki
We want to provide you with as comprehensive advance information about the services and opportunities available at Viikki Youth Centre as possible. If you have any questions after reading these instructions, you can contact us by e-mail or phone regarding any practical matters related to your reservation.
- After receiving the reservation confirmation, please contact the personnel of the youth centre well before the start of your reservation in order to agree on user guidance, picking up the key and signing an agreement on the independent use of the facilities.
- Please note that the agreement can only be signed by a person over the age of 18, who will be responsible for the use of the facilities.
If you have to cancel your reservation, please contact the youth centre directly as soon as possible. Reservations may be cancelled free of charge two weeks before the reservation is scheduled to start. Cancellations made later are subject to a cancellation fee of €50.
Facilities may only be used at the times agreed upon
Costs incurred from other use (such as security costs) must be reimbursed. Confirmed reservations include the initial and final preparations.
Please note that several groups may use the building at the same time, and reserving the entire building for private use is only possible in exceptional cases. As different rooms of the building may be in use simultaneously, this means that everyone has access to the common areas.
Our youth centre has access to the open wireless network StadiNet. The youth centre and its yard areas are substance-free areas, and we follow the principles of the Smoke-free Helsinki programme.
Before arriving at the building and during your reservation
- The alarm systems operate on a schedule, so do not touch them.
- Go through the safety instructions for the facilities.
- Please note that people not included in your group/activities must not be allowed inside the youth centre’s premises. Our building does not have a building manager and our front door is locked, which means that you will have to open the door to your customers.
- Please tidy up the facilities you have used and return them to their original order.
- Wash the dishes and put them back in their places, sort your rubbish into the recycling bins and ensure that the toilet facilities are clean. Cleaning supplies can be found in the cleaning closet.
- If you notice any defects in the facilities or broken items or furniture, please notify the youth centre.
- At the end of your reservation, remember to sign for your visit in the youth centre’s organisation journal.
- When leaving, please ensure that all the facilities have been vacated. Make sure that the doors (emergency exits included) and windows have been locked. Switch off the lights in all the rooms.
After your reservation
- We hope that you made many good memories at the youth centre.
- If your reservation is subject to a fee, we will send you the invoice for the use of the facilities within approximately a month of the end of your reservation.