Facility reservations at Ogeli – instructions

The application period for permanent reservations in autumn 2021 has ended.

Facility reservations are primarily granted to Helsinki-based youth groups and youth organisations, which can use the facilities free of charge. The facilities can also be booked and rented for other use, in which case the fee is determined according to the pricing approved by the Youth Committee.

Oulunkylä Youth Centre’s bookable facilities

As a general rule, the living room and kitchen may only be booked outside the youth centre’s opening hours.

Free-of-charge use

  1. The location’s own activities
  2. Helsinki-based youth activity groups and youth organisations/associations
  3. Associations domiciled in Helsinki
  4. The City of Helsinki’s divisions
  5. Residents and communities of Helsinki

Statutory afternoon activities and group activities related to basic education in the arts for children and young people, as well as group activities promoting integration, can be organised in youth facilities free of charge.

Other operators can ask the youth centre about facility usage fees.
