Studies and work

Here you can find study options in Helsinki after basic education.
You can check out various general upper secondary schools, vocational qualifications and options available outside the joint application system. The pages also offer information on the summer job voucher and summer jobs.

Yläasteen oppilas koululuokassa pulpetin takana

Helsinki offers many options for upper secondary education.

Check out the options and find your way to your dream career!

Stadin AO, The Helsinki Vocational College is the largest vocational education institution in Finland, offering nearly 30 different qualifications and providing vocational education for numerous different occupations. The City of Helsinki has 15 general upper secondary schools, as well as a general upper secondary school for adults. Each of them has a special education purpose or a school-specific focus.

In addition to these schools, there are several private or foundation-funded vocational institutions and general upper secondary schools, as well as state-owned and specialist general upper secondary schools, in Helsinki.