Oodi hears young people – come and join the discussion!
Is the library a place for young people too? Is coming to the youth centre easy for you and do you feel welcome there? What about cultural spaces or sports halls? Are young people taken into account in the city’s leisure services?
Share your experiences and help decision-makers see services from the perspective of young people!
On 19 September, Oodi will host an event where you can share your thoughts and experiences directly with decision-makers and city management. At the event, we will talk in small groups, casually and confidentially. Deputy Mayor Paavo Arhinmäki and directors of cultural, sports, library and youth services will be present to contribute to the discussion.
The event is intended for young people aged 13–18 and has room for the first 30 people who register for the event. Register here.
Time: 19 September from 17.00 to 19.00 (catering from 16.30 to 17.00)
Location: Oodi Youth Space (First-floor loft of Central Library Oodi, Töölönlahdenkatu 4)