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15.2.2025 - 20.2.2025
Winter break at the Oulunkylä Youth Centre
Let’s bake together, share pizza, play around and game in the hall
Oulunkylä Youth Centre, Kylänvanhimmantie 25 B, Helsinki
Monday, 17 February Gran Turismo VR racing game tournament, Tuesday, 18 February All kinds of games in the hall, baking laskiaispulla pastries, Wednesday 19 February Traditional winter break Pizza Mayhem at Oulunkylä Youth Centre! Thursday, 20 February Movie and treats day, sauna open on 17–20 February
Date and time
15.2.2025 - 20.2.2025
Oulunkylä Youth Centre
Kylänvanhimmantie 25 B
Oulunkylän nuorisotalo
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