Kuvassa kaksi henkilöä seisoo valkoisella sillalla talvisessa ja aurinkoisessa säässä.
  • nuorten lomatekemistä
  • films
19.2.2024 - 23.2.2024

Movie week at Pihlajamäki during the holidays!

Come watch movies in the brand-new movie room at Pihlajamäki Youth Centre.
Pihlajamäki Youth Centre, Moreenitie 2, Helsinki


EDIT 19.2.2024: In the installation of the movie room, there have been obstacles beyond our control and you won't be able to watch movies at least from the beginning of the week, apologies for this to everyone! We will do everything we can to ensure that the movies start rolling during the holiday week <3 You can get the most up-to-date information about this on our Instagram @pihlis_nuta


Every weekday during the holiday week, we will watch one film with the kids (grades 3–6 from 2 until 4 o'clock) and one film in the evenings with the older teens (grades seven and up from 5 until 8:30 o'clock). Naturally, the youth centre will also provide some movie theatre snacks! Seating in the movie room is limited, so arrive early enough to make sure you get to watch the movie you like during the holiday.

Date and time
19.2.2024 - 23.2.2024
Pihlajamäki Youth Centre
Moreenitie 2
Pihlajamäen nuorisotalo
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