- nuorten lomatekemistä
- participation
- adventure
- environmental education
- adventure education
- summer camps
- outdoor recreation
- environment
19.6.2023 - 22.6.2023
Adventure camp in Bengtsår
Adventure camp in Midsummer week for 12–15-year-olds on Bengtsår camping island in Hanko.
Bengtsår Camp Island, Bengtsår 920, Hanko
During the Midsummer week of 19–22 June, the City of Helsinki’s Environmental Activities Youth Work Unit will organise a three-day overnight adventure camp on Bengtsår camping island in Hanko.
During the camp, you can paddle, climb trees and camp under the guidance of an adventure educator and youth workers. The price of the camp, €20 per person, includes transport, tent accommodation, meals and the camp activities. The camp is intended for 12–15-year-olds. More information: Timo Haaksluoto, Adventure Educator (timo.haaksluoto@hel.fi). Sign up at harrastushaku.fi
Date and time
19.6.2023 - 22.6.2023