- nuorten lomatekemistä
- participation
- sauna bathing
- canoeing
- nature
- camps
- archipelagoes
- summer camps
- outdoor recreation
- swimming
- physical training
The Tsemppis! summer camp
During the camp, you will get to enjoy nature, swimming, sauna, fishing, competitions, paddleboarding, games, campfires and camp activities. We will also make a day trip to central Hanko with the aim of relaxing and solving tricky problems. You will also get to try out things such as pedal boating and, if the weather is good, canoeing, and to learn more about the exciting activities the island has. Come enjoy the sunlight and have fun in good, summery company. We cook our breakfast and evening snacks ourselves in the barbeque shelter, but the warm meals are prepared by the island personnel. We will spend the week living true camp life and sleeping in tents. The camp equipment includes Niger tents, which are similar to the one Snufkin has: the bottom of the tent is open. You can also bring your own tent with you.
The bus to the camp will depart from courtyard of the Youth Activity Centre Luuppi in Kontula on Monday 4 July at 10.30 a.m. (assembly at 10 a.m.) and we will return to Luuppi on Sunday 10 July at about 3.30 p.m. The camp has room for 30 campers. The invoice for the camp will be delivered to your home. Well before the start of the camp, a letter about it will also be delivered to your mailbox. The letter has more detailed instructions about preparing for the camp!
A Helsinki resident €122
Sibling discount €86
A resident of another municipality €143
The price includes food, accommodation, the programme for the week and related travel.
Further information: Lotta Ahmaoja, 040 1781345, lotta.ahmaoja@hel.fi