HUM Harju julkaisut
Harjussa äänittäneitä:
- 17 Reasons Why
- 4WD
- Absurdus
- Ace up the Sleeve
- Adlib
- Adry
- Afrodesia
- Ahti Pelttari Trio
- Aiyekooto And Afrobeat International
- Aleksi Yrjölä
- Alien Devils
- Alitajunta Works Out The Wasteland
- Alma Sipilä
- Alzheimer
- Amanda Stenius
- Amnesia
- Anastasia
- Anestesia
- Angel Dust
- Angervo Petäjä
- Aortta
- Apina
- Apollon yhteiskoulu
- Aro Kader
- Artwork for Madness
- Assemble the chariots
- Atom Heart
- Auntie Mary
- Aunt Mary’s Love
- Aurinkokenno
- Automatic Eye
- Ava Spring
- Averlanche
- Awake Again
- Axis
- Bad Ass Brass Band
- Bad for Business
- Bad Trick
- Balls
- Barbeque Babies
- Barock
- Barricades
- Belly Buttons
- Betty And Nisa and Radic
- Beverly Girls
- Big wave riders
- Bioscop
- Bitter
- Black Current
- Blanka
- Blind Pig
- Blind Ways
- Blowfly
- Bonesoup
- Boneyard
- Boneyard Coyotes
- Brages Musikskolan
- Brown Harrison
- Bulldozer
- Bumming with Grace
- Cafe Loveshine
- Capital Crime
- Captor
- Carpoela
- Cardinals Folly
- Carmine
- Caroline
- Carouselambra
- Carpoela
- Carry the Black Cross
- Caughtum
- Cavern
- Chaos Infinitum
- Charles Bronson
- Chelsea Hotel
- Cherika
- Chernobiel
- Chronoplague
- Circus at Dawn
- Clumsy
- Cockbox
- Coctail
- Collarbone
- Colorblind
- Combover
- Condition Red
- Confession
- Coven
- Crankshaft
- Crossline
- Creap
- Criminal Minded
- Crossroads
- Crumps
- Crystal Rain
- Cut Wide Open
- Damet
- Damnations pride
- Damnatized
- Damn seagulls
- Dashing Waves
- Death Becomes Him
- Deep Vein
- Deja Vu
- Deny It All
- Desier
- Destroy Gesus
- Devenial Verdict
- Divtionary Bob
- Dirty Licks
- Dobermen
- Double Trouble
- Downtown Crashers
- Dragon Fly
- Duck Step
- Duo 5.38
- Dust
- Eeppi Ursin
- eeppinen
- Egoreactor
- Eight Ball
- Elvis
- Ember Morning
- Emptiness
- Eskimo Overdrive
- Etupiha
- Eveliina ja Pera
- Everfall
- Evidence
- Exile From Eden
- Exitium
- Extremains
- Ez Aquarii
- Face Of God
- Falasha Family
- Falling Apart
- Failers
- Fallcode.zer0
- Fasokan
- Fintelligens
- Fishfaces
- Folly Molly
- Foreheads
- Fragile
- Frank & Ernest Band
- Friday While
- Fuckin’ World
- Fumes
- Function in Disfunction
- Fuzzy Orange
- Gaspar
- Generaattori
- Genoside Terror
- George the filter
- Giuse
- Glam
- Goddamage
- Green Onion
- Guilty Animal
- Hab’s
- Hambone
- Harvey Dent
- Hedu
- Hergen
- Hirise In Flames
- Hitmen3
- Hoover Dam
- HopiHopi
- Horsecore
- Hot-10-Tots
- Huff And Puff
- Human Scum
- Hunters
- Huonot Uutiset
- hymyilevä Apollo
- Icebreaker
- Ilo
- Incredible Brainshells
- Indubio
- Infuse
- Insane Affection
- Insert The Raindrops
- In Shade
- Invulnerable
- Iroom
- Ivy Dislikes
- Jatta
- Jay Kay And The Bluesgang
- Jake
- Jelly Roll Bakers
- Jenlayn
- Jet-Z-Pop
- Johan Myskog
- Joonasdf Vitkaste
- Joy
- JS & The Strummers
- Judith
- Juha Nuutinen
- Juhis
- Jukka Vakio
- Julma Ölkky
- Jutta
- J.Vakio
- Jyri Honkavaara
- Jälkipolku
- Jäälähtö
- Kaamos
- Kaktus
- Kalastaja
- Kamikaze Pilots
- Kanneljärven opisto
- Karmia
- Katakomb
- Katy Vatican
- Katujen Äänet
- Kauko Röyhkä
- Kaupallinen Itsemurha
- Kebab Kombo
- Kemosabe
- Kickin’5
- Kid
- Kielo
- Kiimaiset Sanansaattajat
- Kiiwa
- Killcolor
- Kinos
- Klark Kent
- Klubikirves
- Klunssi
- Knucker
- Kolmen Ruuhka
- Kometa
- Kooma
- Kosmopoliisi
- Kovanluokan Kuumotus
- Kreatures
- Krohnstadt
- Kuha
- Kukkakepit
- Kukkola
- Kulma
- Kuvat
- Kuokkavieraat
- Ladytrio
- Laiskat ja Pulskeat
- La Llave
- Lankkuvarkaat
- Lapsenmieliset
- Lasiapina
- Laurakristiina
- Lavinia Lavinia
- Leaders of the Republic
- LD
- Lemonator
- Legacy
- Leo Stillman
- Liekkisiivet
- Limelight Showdown
- Limetree
- Little big woman
- Liv Animal
- Liplock
- Lockwist
- Lollipops
- Lords Minion
- Lobsters
- Los Hermos
- Lost Species
- Lotus
- Low Pressure
- Maaginen teatteri
- Macoumba
- Mad Trick
- Maija Vilkkumaa
- Majesties
- Maksimi Voima
- Malummeh
- Manhattan Feeling
- Maniax
- Mark
- Marksmen
- Mars Underground
- Mary Celeste
- Mary-Go-Round
- Masquerade
- Mean Machine
- Mechan
- melancoly Downtown
- Meltdown Wankers
- Melthalo
- Mensura
- Mentals
- Men Without A Name
- Metanol
- Mia Dembele
- Middle index
- Mika Hämäläinen
- Mike Westhues
- Mind Abduction
- Minä
- Mirka
- Misty
- Molly Coddle
- Monzizi
- Moose Pop
- Mortify
- Muddy Bones
- Muista Hengittää
- Mustat Silmät
- MZ
- Mörgothrium
- Nahkalämsä
- Napoleon Says
- Narkkipaikka
- Natives
- Neljän Tähden Jallu
- Nemeh O.D.
- Nerd
- Neulomo
- Nieminen ja Litmanen
- Nihile
- Niko Jylhä
- Noise
- Noitaperho
- No Silence
- Not Alone
- Nouk
- Novigot
- Nuclear Omnicide
- Nuke Mutants
- Näkä & CO
- Obengybel
- Oiva Pala
- Olavi T Trio
- Olle Ekman
- Omen
- One of the pigeons
- Onni Päivinen
- Ounou
- Out Of Time
- Paappa
- Paha Kakku
- Parthenian Assault
- Pastori Paranoid
- Payload
- Pelle Kaija Pum
- Pelle Miljoona
- Pelle miljoona United
- Pera
- Perdez
- Perttu Lunkka
- Philadelphia Dynamite
- Planket
- Plastic Tears
- Pluto
- Poikatyttöbändi
- Pollyvox
- Pohjannaula
- Polygon Black
- Pooma
- Porndrugs
- porto Black
- Post
- Preachers
- Preacher Saka
- Preprophecy
- Primrose
- Prinston
- Prison Phone
- Product of Rage
- Promised Land
- Proper George
- Protestants
- Prudence
- Psilo
- Pollari
- Pop corn
- Publi-Cans
- Pump
- Punisher
- Purify The Wasted
- Purple
- Pyhät Tepot
- Pyjama
- Pyroclastic Flow
- Queen 17
- Randelins
- Ras Henry & Finjam Reggae Band
- Ravine
- Rebel Baby
- Red Rooster & The Chicken Shit
- Reflecting Black
- Relax Trio
- Relayer
- Relic
- Retina
- Revolverz
- Riiva
- Rok Monk
- Romantiikan Kapellimestari
- Roosa
- Rounders
- Rova Olli
- Ruanda
- Rwanda
- Rude Dudes
- Ruhtinas
- Rujo
- Rule
- Sabasi
- Saku Anttila House Band
- Samrat
- Sami Ranta-aho
- S.A.N.
- Sara
- Sasu Moilanen
- Saunabadh
- Scarpath
- Scumbag
- ScyCry
- Selestial Bodies
- Selffish Brothers
- Selfhate
- Sepeli
- Sergio
- Shalaliitto
- Siipirikko
- Silicon Dick
- Sindeep
- Siperian Mainstream
- Sirius
- Six String Singers
- Slap Sally Combo
- Slow Burn
- Smoking Crocodile
- Smuke
- Sofabeds
- Soulkitchen
- Spacegirl
- Species
- Spidemia
- Splender
- Spyder 550
- Solid Posse
- Somer
- Sounds Like Death
- Sooz
- Soul Shorts
- Stella Noir
- Stockers
- Stone Wall Street
- Studebakers
- Sub Monks
- Substance
- Suffocatos
- Sunday Prize
- Suomalais-Venäläinen Koulu
- Super Power
- Syksy
- Syphilis
- Särö
- Sävyt
- Tangled
- Tapasurmayksikkö
- Telegrafberget
- Tarya
- Terhi ja Samu
- Terika
- Tero Siitonen
- Tero Lappalainen
- Tetris
- Tetrix Before The Nuclear Disaster
- The Dance
- The Deep Vein
- The Distortions
- The Domestigators
- The Glowing Faces
- The Legendary Statement Band
- The New Rose
- The Quests
- The Snake of June
- The Stunning Guns
- The Wolves
- Thraciar
- TiaMaria
- Tia Ladvelin
- Timo Salminen
- Tirehtöörit
- Titta
- Tixa & Hevospistooli
- Today’s Special
- Tom Ylinen
- Tommy Gun
- Toni Rossi & Sinitaivas
- Treatments
- Trio Li
- Tsapuska
- Tumppi Varonen & Problems
- Tweed
- Tölö Gymnasium
- Unflame
- Univapaa
- Uzva
- Utu
- Wake Up Frankie
- Valtio
- Van Cock
- Varauloskäynti
- Variance
- Veeti & the velvets
- Veli Paveli
- Velvert
- Vesilaitos
- Viehe
- Viheltävä Susi
- Virgin In Veil
- VuoWe
- Whiskey Priests
- White Noise Broadcast
- White Waters
- Windcast
- Witheria
- X-Boys
- X-Plane
- Yellow Snow
- Yes Please
- Ylivalve
- Yoku
- Young Christs
- Zebra
- Äärirajat