Welcome to Kannelmäki Youth Centre

Our culture-oriented youth centre is located in Kannelmäki, on the lower floor of the cultural centre Kanneltalo, in the immediately vicinity of the train station.

Cultural youth work is emphasised in the building’s operations, which is visible in various events and recreational opportunities at the youth centre. The building features a studio, a band room, a hall suitable for dance and theatre activities, the crafts room Värkkäämö and Operaatio Pulssi activities. In addition to activities organised by the youth work unit, recreational activities are also offered by organisations and associations.

In our building, you can play pool and video games, record your own music at the studio, craft items, create art, practise making music, watch movies or simply hang out with your friends and youth workers.

Kannelmäki Youth Centre is a facility for young people

The youth centre’s activities are planned and implemented together with young people. You can work as an assistant instructor (youth-boss) in the building, or you can simply come visit and ask about our activities. A free membership card is required for participation in all activities of the youth centre. You can get one online or from any youth centre in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa.

Ecological youth centre

Environmental friendliness, recycling and nature influence all our activities. At the youth centre, we emphasise environmentally friendly purchases, sorting of waste and consideration of ecological aspects in small everyday actions.

Substance-free building

Youth centres are substance-free. This means that you will not be allowed inside the building while intoxicated, and no intoxicants of any kind may be brought inside our facilities. Energy drinks are likewise forbidden. If a young person is seen smoking or intoxicated, their guardians will always be notified.

Safe space

All young people are welcome at the youth centre, just as they are. Our building is a discrimination-free area. We intervene in arguments between children and young people and review the ground rules for the building, through which we seek to prevent conflicts.

Klaneettitie 5
00420 Helsinki
PL 42404, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki

Youth workers

  • Sari Parviainen, Värkkäämö, keramiikka ja kuvataide
    040 5904 197
  • Elina Laaksonen, Pulssikoordinaattori

Nuorisotalon puhelinnumero: 040 334 8103

Opening times

Grades 3–6

Wed, Thu: 2pm – 4pm
Fri: 2:30 pm – 4 pm



Wed:  5 pm – 8:30 pm
Thu: 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Fri: 5 pm – 9:30 pm

Sat: 7.9. 5 pm- 9:30pm

21.9. 5 pm- 9:30pm

5.10. 5 pm- 9:30pm

19.10. 5 pm- 9:30pm

2.11.5 pm- 9:30pm 

16.11. 5 pm- 9:30pm

14.12. 5 pm- 9:30pm

Tulevat tapahtumat ja harrastukset

  • Harrastamisen Suomen malli
  • teatteri
  • nuoret
02.9.2024 - 05.5.2025

Teatteri (3.-6.lk), Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Kannelmäen nuorisotalo, Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
  • Harrastamisen Suomen malli
  • nuoret
  • koululaiset
02.9.2024 - 05.5.2025

Ruokaharrastus 3.-6.lk, Harrastamisen Suomen malli

Kannelmäen nuorisotalo, Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
  • nuoret
  • tanssi
  • dance
13.1.2025 - 19.5.2025

K-pop alkeet alle 13v Kannelmäki

Kannelmäen nuorisotalo, Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
  • tanssi
  • dance
  • K-pop
13.1.2025 - 19.5.2025

K-pop alkeet yli 13v Kannelmäki

Kannelmäen nuorisotalo, Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki