Maunula Youth Centre


Maunula Youth Centre operates at Maunula House. We organise meaningful, substance-free and varied activities primarily for the youth centre’s 9–18-year-old visitors. You can also find the Månsas Deli café, a library and an adult education centre at Maunula House.

In addition to open youth work, we offer a wide variety of gaming activities and cultural youth work. At the youth centre, you can also participate in decision-making and active influencing.

Gaming activities

The building features a band room, a pool table and equipment for playing ping pong. We also have game consoles and a wide variety of board games.

Join us in influencing things!

  • If you wish, you can participate in group activities such as a rap group or join us as a peer instructor. Young people of Maunula can also create and implement events spanning the entire Maunula House! You can influence Maunula House’s activities in 2022 here, for example.
  • At youth centre meetings, participants plan joint activities and lay down and update the building’s rules.
  • If you are interested in opportunities for young people to influence things, our youth workers would be happy to tell you about the young people’s influence system Ruuti as well as other channels for influencing things.

Come and join us!

We operate for the benefit of all young people in the area, regardless of their background and cultural differences, and provide support in all stages of their development.

You can always contact us! Call, write or visit us in person so we can talk more!


Visiting address
Metsäpurontie 4
00630 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 64404, 00099 City of Helsinki

Youth Workers

  • Tuomas Jokinen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
  • Joosua Juntunen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja
  • Wilhelmiina Seppä-Ojanperä, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, osallisuusohjaaja
    (09) 310 36711, 040 1801 764
  • Rita Tuohimaa, cultural youth work and events
    040 6316 964
  • Heidi Hirvonen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, Tiimiesihenkilö, Maunulan nuorisotyöyksikkö

Opening times

Mon, Wed and Thu:

at 1pm-4pm grades 3-6 (age 9-12)

at 4pm-8pm grades 7 and above until the age of 18


at 3pm-5pm grades 3-6 (age 9-12)

at 5pm-10pm grades 7 and above until the age of 18

Sat: 8.2.,8.3. and 5.4.

at 3pm-5pm grades 3-6 (age 9-12)

at 5pm-10pm grades 7 and above until the age of 18

Upcoming events and hobbies

  • Children and families
  • Finnish model for leisure activities
  • young people
09.9.2024 - 05.5.2025

Tuberyhmä (, Harrastamisen Suomen Malli

Maunula Youth Centre, Metsäpurontie 4, Helsinki
  • young people
  • food preparation
  • food
27.2.2025 - 17.4.2025

Alakoululaisten kokkikerho Maunulan nuorisotalolla

Maunula Youth Centre, Metsäpurontie 4, Helsinki