Luuppi Media’s loaning office
Luuppi Media’s premises have a photo and video equipment loan shop. You can loan equipment if you are aged 15–29-years-old and you are active in our activities . When you make your first loan, we will look at your ID and you will be registered into our loan system. The loan period is one week.
Loaning cameras and accessories, among others:
- Canon 700D and 800D series
- Canon lenses 20mm, 35mm, 40mm, 50mm and basic zooms
- Legria video camera
- Light stand
- Yongnuo 600 led video light
- Manfrotto camera stand
- Zoom H5 sound recorder
- Rode NT-1A microphone.
- Button microphone
Mohamad Taha
040 336 1082
Jari Mäenpää
040 336 2103