Booking Kannelmäki facilities

The facilities can be booked for one-time events or for regular use

Facility reservations are primarily granted to Helsinki-based youth groups and youth organisations, which can use the facilities free of charge. The facilities can also be booked and rented for other use, in which case the fee is determined according to the pricing approved by the Youth Committee. Next seasonal booking is for the 2025-2026 season. Application round opens 3.4.2025, 9:00.  

Please note that we no longer accept paper applications. If you are interested in booking facilities please check the availability at The person making the reservation must be of age 18.

Instructions for youth centres

When you reserve the space, you are responsible for monitoring it yourself. As a rule, the staff of the space is not present.

After receiving the reservation confirmation, contact the youth centre staff and agree on the time of the introduction into the space. During the introduction into the space, we will go through the safety instructions of the building, agree on the use of the equipment in the space and instruct you in how to use the technology and equipment, if necessary. In connection with the introduction into the space, we will hand over the keys or access pass of the space to you.

Please note that several groups may use the building at the same time, and reserving the entire building for private use is only possible in exceptional cases. As different rooms of the building may be in use simultaneously, this means that everyone has access to the common areas.

The facilities are accessible and include an accessible toilet.

The wireless networks are: StadiNet, munstadi or the City of Helsinki’s Wi-Fi.

The youth centre and its yard areas are substance-free areas, and we follow the principles of the Smoke-free Helsinki programme. We require all users to sort their waste.

Free-of-charge use

  • Activities of registered Helsinki-based organisations and associations
  • Independent group activities and civic activities of Helsinki residents and communities.
  • Afternoon activities of schoolchildren in accordance with the Basic Education Act, group and individual instruction in basic education in the arts and group activities promoting integration. The activities of educational institutions aimed at persons under 29 years of age are always free of charge.
  • Own operations of the City of Helsinki’s divisions and the City Executive Office.

Use subject to a fee

  1. Religious groups and communities
  2. Companies like corporations etc.
  3. All kind of private events

Cancellation terms for facility reservations and amendment of the price

Facility reservations may be cancelled free of charge two weeks before the reservation is scheduled to start. Cancellations made later are subject to a cancellation fee. In the event of failure to cancel an unused permanent reservation twice in a row, Youth Services have the right to cancel the reservation until the end of the operating period..
