TET – introduction to working life

Introduction to working life, or TET, is part of every comprehensive school pupil’s life. Usually, the TET weeks take place during the 8th and 9th grade. During TET, you get to see what is done in different professions and experience working life for yourself.
After the introduction week, the TET trainee will receive a TET certificate, which can come in handy when applying for summer jobs. Many TET trainees have also landed a summer job in their TET places. Be active and ask for opportunities!
Remember to apply for a TET position in time. We encourage you to start looking for a TET position no later than one month before the TET week. We also encourage you not to wait for a reply from the one place for which you applied, but instead apply for multiple places at the same time. When you land a TET position, it is easy for you to let the other places know that you will not be able to do your training with them.