Young people teach adults to connect without preconceptions
Each individual encounter between an adult and a young person affects the child’s and young person’s experience of inclusion, self-esteem, and future outlook. Adults need to understand the importance of meeting children and young people with respect and authenticity.
“When adults recognize their role and responsibility in strengthening young people’s sense of belonging, we can genuinely impact the realization of children’s and youth rights and their own sense of worth. Connecting with others is meaningful. Every child and young person is valuable and deserves to be seen for who they are,” explains Katri Kairimo, Regional Director of Youth Services for the City of Helsinki.
The importance of connection is also expressed by young poet Tesfaw Lappalainen. In his work, he is particularly interested in feelings of insecurity and lack of belonging, which many young people experience.
“We all long for a feeling that we belong and that our thoughts have value. The perspectives of young people aren’t always heard, and that’s why it’s important that we can share our feelings, even if they aren’t always clear or easy to understand,” says poet Tesfaw Lappalainen, who, in his work, brings forward experiences of lacking community, especially among young people.
The City of Helsinki asked poet Tesfaw Lappalainen to write a poem from his own perspective on the interaction between children, young people, and adults. The goal of the City of Helsinki is for every child and young person to feel they belong to their community and society.
Read the (Finnish) poem below and tell us on Instagram at @nuorten.helsinki what thoughts it brought up for you.
“Mitä sä näät kun sä katsot mua. Ootko sä ajatellut, että me kävellään ihan samoja katuja. Miksi nähdessäsi halveksit, tuomitset ja käännät katseesi. Ootko sä ajatellut, kun aikuinen haluaa olla nuori, ja nuori taas aikuinen. Voisimmeko vain elää harmoniassa.
Ootko sä ajatellut, että tässä vaiheessa opin vielä. Opin vielä itsestäni, katson ja ihmettelen. Ootko sä ajatellut, että olemme molemmat täällä ensimmäistä kertaa, joten ethän olisi liian ankara.
Tiedän aikuisuuden olevan rankkaa, mutta niin on tämäkin. Joten annathan minulle aikaa, kuten sinullekin toivottavasti annettiin. Ootko sä ajatellut?”