New Youth Council elected in Helsinki
Helsinki celebrated youth empowerment at the traditional RuutiGaala event in Tiivistämö, Suvilahti, on Wednesday, 8 December. The results of the Helsinki Youth Council election were announced at the event.
Helsinki celebrated youth empowerment at the traditional RuutiGaala event in Tiivistämö, Suvilahti, on Wednesday, 8 December. The results of the Helsinki Youth Council election were announced at the event. A total of 74 young people from various parts of Helsinki stood for election, and 30 representatives were elected to the Youth Council for the two-year term 2022–2023. The new Youth Council will start its term of office on 1 January 2022.
A total of 28,538 young people were entitled to vote in the election, and 10,799 votes were cast. The turnout reached 38.1%, having been 35.4% in the previous election in 2019. The largest number of votes was cast in Kontula and Vuosaari.
The composition of the Youth Council 2022-2023 is:
Aisha Mahmood
Jem Alaye
Waleed Ahmed
Väinö Rönkkö
Ehan Wadud
Shyreen Joarder
Benjamin Skwarek
Miro Maaranen
August Kiattrakoolchai
Anthony Alekseenko
Fiona Lilleberg
Nuur Mahmood
Iida Räävi
Esra Arajärvi
Rasmus Suonio
Dmitry Trubnikov
Avery Salami
Seiha Heng
Nella Salminen
El Salo
Janne Oinonen
Erik Ehrström
Saara Helo
Jessica Ljungqvist
Rosa Kumar Saarinen
Nikolai Kovalenko
Neil Melén
Aksel Salonen
Tuuli Sipilä
Ilona Virta