Invite: Non-Toxic – non-discriminatory gaming culture seminar

Open invite:

Non-Toxic – non-discriminatory gaming culture project is hosting an end-of-the-project seminar to showcase the many ways Finnish game industry is preventing harassment and discrimination, and promoting inclusivity. The seminar is held in Tiivistämö, Helsinki 23.11.2023 at 9-16.  

The program includes presentations and speeches from many different facets of game industry, including game development, game research, esports and youth work. Our presenters include KooPee Hiltunen (Neogames), FT Maria Ruotsalainen (University of Jyväskylä), two esports players Milona “miLo” Tiainen and Lotta “Waldee” Liesmala (ENCE Athena), and many others.  
Come learn something new and pick up interesting tips for a more inclusive game culture from the many different people working in games! 

Morning presentations are in English, and they are focused on the game development industry and research. Afternoon presentations are in Finnish, and are focused on esports and youth work. Sign up for the free seminar atäätösseminaari  

For more information about the Non-Toxic project: 

You can also watch the event via the stream or 

Essi Taino 
Non-toxic-syrjimätön pelikulttuuri 
Helsingin kaupunki, Nuorisopalvelut  
puh. 040 530 5140