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Tue 15.10.2024, at 13:30

Fairy tale theatre Satukino | Aladdin (Live Action) (7) – Fabulous autumn holiday

During the autumn holiday, Satukino will feature fairytale-themed films. On Tuesday afternoon, we jump into the whirlwind of adventure with Aladdin (2019).
Annantalo Arts Centre, Annankatu 30, Helsinki


During the autumn holiday, Satukino will feature fairytale-themed films. On Tuesday afternoon, we jump into the whirlwind of adventure with Aladdin (2019).

Disney's animated classic Aladdin has been remade on the big screen in an energetic and exciting live action version starring charismatic street rat Aladdin, brave and determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie, who can open the doors into the future for them. Directed by Guy Ritchie, introducing the typical action of his films to the alleys of the fairytale city of Agrabah.

At the afternoon screenings in the ballroom, the characters speak English. Subtitles in Finnish.
Free admission, no advance registration. Please arrive on time as entry is on a first-come, first-served basis. The cinema can accommodate 74 spectators.

Movie duration: 128min
Age recommendation: +7

Date and time
Tue 15.10.2024, at 13:30
Annantalo Arts Centre
Annankatu 30
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