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Wed 16.10.2024, at 14:00

Howl’s Moving Castle (7) – Miyazaki movies for the autumn holiday

A hat shop girl accidentally encounters a vain wizard named Howl, who seduces beautiful women. A young lady, enchanted by the envious Witch of Vanity, is forced to experience what it is like to live to the age of 90.
Vuosaari House, Mosaiikkitori 2, Helsinki


A hat shop girl accidentally encounters a vain wizard named Howl, who seduces beautiful women. A young lady, enchanted by the envious Witch of Vanity, is forced to experience what it is like to live to the age of 90.

Sophie leaves her old life and ends up as a housekeeper in Howl’s Moving Castle. Sophie conceals her true identity from Howl and befriends the castle's other residents. As emotions rise, Sophie's real age starts to come out, even in the middle of a sentence.

In Hayao Miyazaki's world, the protagonist's age can change, even within a scene. This fantastic film is already celebrating its 20th anniversary!

Free entrance!

Date and time
Wed 16.10.2024, at 14:00
Vuosaari House
Mosaiikkitori 2
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