• Lastentapahtumat
  • Annantalo
  • Näyttelyt
  • Suomi
  • Ruotsi
  • Englanti
  • Muu
  • Nuorille
  • Nuorten lomatekemistä
  • young people
  • youth columns
  • children (age groups)
21.2.2024 - 27.4.2024

Miltä tuntuu olla eläin? – What does it feel like to be an animal?

The exhibition will charm and surprise you all the while making you reflect on what it is like to be an animal.
Annantalo Arts Centre, Annankatu 30, Helsinki


The exhibition will charm and surprise you all the while making you reflect on what it is like to be an animal.

The exhibition, which evokes emotions and thoughts, highlights the animal-themed works of Kaarisilta’s artists working with different techniques. Animals are depicted in various environments and settings.

WELCOME TO THE OPENING 20.2.2024 at 16-18!

Date and time
21.2.2024 - 27.4.2024
Annantalo Arts Centre
Annankatu 30
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Related events

  • participation
  • young people
  • conversation
Thu 12.9.2024, at 17:00 - 19:00

Malmin nutan avoimet ovet

Malmi Youth Centre, Kunnantie 3, Helsinki
  • Operaatio Pulssi!
  • Operaatio Pulssi! Pohjoinen
  • participation
Sat 14.9.2024, at 12:00 - 18:00

Nezumicon 2024

Cultural Centre Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1, Helsinki
  • Työpajat
  • participation
  • conversation
Fri 04.10.2024, at 18:00 - 19:00

Defense for the young

Haagan Lämpiö, Näyttelijäntie 14, Helsinki