- participation
- planning and design
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- cultural events
Sat 05.4.2025, at 11:00 - 13:00
Kontula Cultural Mall Idea Café
Welcome to plan future events for the Kontula Mall area! You're welcome to join us for a while or for the whole time.
Luuppi Nuorisotalo, Ostostie 4, Helsinki
Welcome to plan future events for the Kontula Mall area! You're welcome to join us for a while or for the whole time.
In this gathering we'll start to plan together a food event and a kids' event concept.
The get-together is open to everyone and it will be conducted mainly in Finnish, but also in plain Finnish or English if necessary.
The event is a continuation for the Culture for Kontula Mall network meeting held in early February at the library.
Coffee and tea will be served. No advance registration required. Free entry!
The Kontula Cultural Mall project has been implemented through OmaStadi, i.e. at the initiative and vote of the Helsinki citizens.
More information: hel.fi/kontulankulttuuriostari (in Finnish)
Date and time
Sat 05.4.2025, at 11:00 - 13:00
Other information