![Kaksi nuorta nauraa](https://api.hel.fi/linkedevents/media/images/047_Liikuntavirasto_kuvaus_2.10.2018_HIGH_RES_D5ubkPW.jpg)
- nuorten lomatekemistä
- Puhti sports
- Vimma sports
- young people
- dance (performing arts)
- climbing
- young adults
- archery
- well-being
- artistic gymnastics
- games
- physical training
- sports
- holiday
Youth Try-out Sports Evening
At this event there will be a great variety of both indipendent sports activities and guided activities. All activity (excluding dance classes) is non-stop, meaning you can join at any time that the activity is going on! No registration is needed. All equipment is provided on site.
Free entry with a Vimma or Puhti sports card!
Without the card, the price of a single visit is
3,60e; discount groups 2.10e.
Come as you are and try out different sports and find your favorite!
The scedule is as follows:
Independent activities (boxing, gym, table tennis) 16:00–19:00
Archery: 16:00–19:00
Volleyball: 16:00–19:00
Gymnastics and acrobatics: 16:00–19:00
Climbing: 17:00–19:00
Breakdance: 18:00–19:00
Dance improvisation: 19:00–20:00
There staff will be there to assis you. Further questions can be directed to the sports coordinator at +358401779887