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Thu 17.10.2024, at 10:00 - 16:00
Autumn break at the Munkkivuori Youth Centre
Theme Days at the Munkkivuori Youth Centre, welcome!
Munkkivuoren nuorisotalo (Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry), Raumantie 5, Helsinki
Munkkivuori Youth Centre is holding theme days for 3–7-graders on autumn break!
The programme includes baking on Monday, handicrafts on Tuesday, video games on Wednesday, board games on Thursday, and a surprise programme on Friday.
The Youth Centre is open daily from 10 am to 4 pm, the programme starts at 12 noon. Welcome!
Date and time
Thu 17.10.2024, at 10:00 - 16:00
Munkkivuoren nuorisotalo (Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry)
Raumantie 5
Munkkivuoren nuorisotalo (Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry)
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