jäätelöannoksen tuunaus Tapanilan nuorisotalolla
  • nuortenlomatekemistä
  • nuorten lomatekemistä
  • food
Thu 06.6.2024, at 19:00 - 20:00

ice cream decorating at Tapanila Youth Centre

ice cream decorating with young people
Tapanila Youth Centre (Tapanilan Erä), Hiidenkiventie 21, Helsinki


Unleash your creativity and decorate your ice cream. Take a photo as a souvenir. We’ll take photos of the final products for our youth centre’s social media publications. Finally, you get to eat your work of art. 

Date and time
Thu 06.6.2024, at 19:00 - 20:00
Tapanila Youth Centre (Tapanilan Erä)
Hiidenkiventie 21
Tapanilan nuorisotalo (Tapanilan Erä)
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